Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Christian Butter
Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Medical School Brandenburg
Chief Physician, Kardiologie, Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg heart center
Originally from Berlin, Prof. Dr. Christian Butter studied medicine at the Free University of Berlin, later beginning his comprehensive training in the Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the Rudolf Virchow Klinikum in Berlin. After obtaining his doctorate in medicine, Prof. Dr. Butter completed his residency, becoming a Specialist Physician in the field of Internal Medicine and Cardiology and spending many years as a Senior Physician at the Charité and the German Heart Institute Berlin, specializing in cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.
He became Head of Cardiology at the Brandenburg Heart Center in 2004. Under his tutelage, and owing to his special interest in research and innovation, the Heart Center has become one of the leading centers in the country, pioneering many new technologies.