After your stay

What happens after your heart surgery? What do you need to be aware of once you leave the Heart Center? This section provides you with important information in relation to these questions.

Post-surgery checklist

  • Medication
  • Doctor's appointments
  • Wounds
  • Diet
  • Legs
  • Physical exercise
  • Prevention

When you leave after your surgery, you will be provided with sufficient medication for the first two days following discharge. Please ensure that you follow the dosing schedule provided.

Doctor's appointments

Please arrange to be seen by your general practitioner or one of the physicians at your usual practice as soon as possible, and certainly no later than two days following discharge. Should you develop acute symptoms or a raised temperature, please contact your physician immediately.


If your wounds are both clean and dry, you may shower as usual but not for longer than 5 minutes. Please ensure that soap-based cleansing products and skin care products do not come in direct contact with the wound. Please refrain from having baths until after you have begun rehabilitation. You should also avoid sitting in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.


Exercise and mobility following heart surgery: What is and isn't permitted?

You are back at home following your surgery and waiting to start your cardiac rehabilitation - what type of physical exercise is permitted and what is not permitted?

Generally speaking, a sensible level of exercise will aid recovery. It is not advisable to choose the option of "rest and recuperation on the sofa".

By the time you have been discharged, your wounds will be dry and intact and will not stop you from becoming more active. The sternum (breastbone), however, will need to be treated with care, as it takes approximately 6 to 12 weeks to heal completely. During this time, it will continue to be stabilized with sternal wires. This is why you are advised to refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous garden work, as well as avoiding any work around the house that involves lifting your hands above head height.


Dietary considerations following heart surgery

Once you have returned home and you are waiting to start your rehabilitation, it is important that you maintain a dietary regimen that will not negatively impact the healing process. Generally speaking, you should adhere to any dietary regimen previously recommended to you or a new dietary regimen should we have recommended one, e.g. if you have diabetes or high blood cholesterol levels, or if you need to follow a diet low in vitamin K because you are taking Falithrom™ [phenprocoumon]. If required, we will provide you with any relevant information leaflets.

As people have a tendency to be less active following major surgery, their energy expenditure is reduced, and it is therefore important to avoid consuming too many calories. In most cases, it is also important to ensure an adequate intake of fluids, preferably in the form of water or tea. Some patients, however, who may have been instructed by their physicians to restrict their fluid intake - for instance due to fluid retention which is being treated with medication - must of course follow the advice that they have been given.

A balanced diet is important. This should contain plenty of fruit and vegetables with animal fats, beef and pork strictly limited. Salt and spices should only be used sparingly. It is better to eat little and often than it is to consume a few large meals. Foods that are rich in sugar and fat, such as cakes, ice cream and salted snacks, should only be consumed sparingly.


The staff of the Brandenburg Heart Center wish you well in your recovery and wish you every success with your rehabilitation program.

How to contact the Nursing and Care Team

Should you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Nursing and Care Team at any time.

  • Ward 5
    T: 03338 694-500
  • Ward 8
    T: 03338 694-801
  • Ward 7

    T: 03338 694-700
Relevant information

Emergency numbers

  • Emergencies only:
    Our emergency room:
    +49 3338-69 45 21

Contact person

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
    Johannes Albes
    Head of Department of Cardiac Surgery at Brandenburg Heart Center

    PA to the Head of Department Gudrun Gaal
    Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center
    Ladeburger Str. 17
    16321 Bernau bei Berlin
    T +40 3338 694-510
    F +49 3338 694-544
    send email
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  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
    Christian Butter
    Head of the Department of Cardiology, Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center

    PA to Head of Department Christine Meinecke
    Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center
    Ladeburger Str. 17
    16321 Bernau bei Berlin
    T +49 3338 694-610
    F +49 3338 694-644
    send email
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  • Dr. med.
    Georg Fritz
    Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Management, Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center

    PA to the Head of Department Marion Scheibel
    Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center
    Ladeburger Str. 17
    16321 Bernau bei Berlin
    T +49 3338 694-110
    F +49 3338 694-144
    send email
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