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Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Christian Butter

Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Medical School Brandenburg
Chief Physician, Kardiologie, Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg heart center

[Translate to Englisch:] Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Christian Butter Chefarzt der Abteilung Kardiologie - Immanuel Herzzentrum Brandenburg in Bernau bei Berlin
Modern treatment methods make it possible to achieve significant improvements as regards the physical capacity and quality of life of patients with heart disease.

Originally from Berlin, Prof. Dr. Christian Butter studied medicine at the Free University of Berlin, later beginning his comprehensive training in the Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the Rudolf Virchow Klinikum in Berlin. After obtaining his doctorate in medicine, Prof. Dr. Butter completed his residency, becoming a Specialist Physician in the field of Internal Medicine and Cardiology and spending many years as a Senior Physician at the Charité and the German Heart Institute Berlin, specializing in cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure.

He became Head of Cardiology at the Brandenburg Heart Center in 2004. Under his tutelage, and owing to his special interest in research and innovation, the Heart Center has become one of the leading centers in the country, pioneering many new technologies. In 2007, he became an Assistant Professor (non-tenured) at the Charité University, where he continues to have teaching commitments. Since 2015 he also has been Professor for Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the Medical School Brandenburg Theodor Fontane.

According to Prof. Dr. Butter, his greatest challenge is achieving a work-life balance that can accommodate his passion for both his family and his work.

Professional training and experience

Year of birth 1962
Place of birth Berlin

Education and training

12/1994 Specialist in Cardiology
8/1993 Specialist Physician in Internal Medicine
1988 Dissertation "Aesthetic principles and problems of surgery to correct congenital or acquired hand defects"
5/1987 – 1993 Internship at the Rudolf-Virchow-Klinikum Berlin, Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine and Department of Emergency Medicine (Prof. Dr. H. Hochrein)
12/1986 Medical degree awarded
1980 – 1986 Medical degree program, Free University of Berlin

Career details

2015 Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Medical School Brandenburg Theodor Fontane
Seit 7/2008 Having been responsible for developing the aortic valve program, PD Dr. Butter has performed a total of 270 transfemoral implantations, as well as assisting on a total of 150 transapical implantations.
Seit 4/2009 Having been responsible for introducing the mitral valve reconstruction program and the MitraClip Registry, PD Dr. Butter has so far performed over 120 MitraClip procedures. PD Dr. Butter has also initiated and led the introduction of a number of first-in-man procedures that involved the use of device-based and intervention-based approaches to the treatment of patients with heart failure.
7/2006 Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Charité University Hospital Berlin
seit 4 /2004 Head of the Department of Cardiology, Immanuel Hospital Bernau Brandenburg Heart Center
Interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, heart failure  
1994 – 4/2004 Department of Internal Medicine/Cardiology, Charité Campus Virchow and German Heart Institute Berlin (Prof. Dr. E. Fleck) Lead Electrophysiologist from 1997

Teaching licences

Awards and Honors

Professional memberships / Positions held


Professional memberships

Selected publications