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It is our aim to sustain and improve the quality of our patient treatment and care services over the long-term. In order to do so, we constantly and systematically monitor all of our processes and procedures - as well as our results - using the EFQM Excellence Model as a guide. 
The EFQM Model, which is established and recognized throughout Europe, is a quality management model can give the management team a holistic overview of the whole organization. As a model that provides the tools to develop processes and procedures and achieve excellent results, it assists with the process of self-assessment, identifying areas that could be improved, and developing a results-based approach.

Quality management pervades and affects every level of the hospital's organizational structure, with the different management groups, areas of work and working groups all focusing on different key issues.

Our quality management program includes use of the following: 

As per statutory requirements, we have been publishing our quality reports since 2004. These reports, which follow a given structure, contain relevant data and facts regarding the medical, nursing and treatment services offered by the hospital. 

External quality assurance

We have adopted mandatory external quality assurance as per Section 137 of the SGB V (Social Law Book). This involves the recording of set, measurable and comparable quality indicators for specific surgical procedures and diagnoses. These data are anonymized prior to analysis by an independent body, and then fed back to the hospital in the form of an annual report. If a hospital exceeds the mandatory reference values for certain surgical procedures and diagnoses, a formal and structured dialogue is initiated, which means that the hospital in question has to issue a response and, if necessary, provide evidence of having initiated corrective measures. These data are also published as part of the quality reports, as well as being published on the AQUA institute's website (