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When should the MitraClip procedure be used?

Mitral valve regurgitation, i.e. leakiness of the mitral valve, is a very common type of heart disease. For many years, surgery has been widely established as the standard approach to treating severe forms of this condition, with surgical treatment including a number of options, ranging from mitral valve reconstruction to mitral valve replacement. Some patients may be at too high a risk of surgical complications, due to medical reasons such as severe concomitant disease, having previously undergone heart surgery or having received radiation therapy to the chest.

© 2012 Abbott

What is the MitraClip procedure?

The MitraClip procedure was developed based on the Alfieri stitch technique - a surgical valve reconstruction procedure, whereby the two edges of the valve leaflets are approximated by use of a suture in the middle of the leaflets.

It is a relatively new procedure, and has been performed at our Heart Center since 2009. Our hospital was among the first 5 German hospitals to start using this new form of treatment.

How does the MitraClip procedure work?

Using a special catheter-based delivery system, the MitraClip is inserted in between the two mitral valve leaflets without having to interfere with the normal pumping action of the heart. This procedure does not require the patient's chest to be opened, nor does it require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (a heart-lung machine).

Instead, a catheter is inserted via the groin and advanced into the left side of the heart. Echocardiography is used to ensure the correct placement of the clip. This ensures that overall, the need for x-ray exposure is relatively low. As x-ray contrast agents are not usually required, this technique is also unproblematic in patients with severe kidney failure. The use of echocardiography (ultrasound) allows the clip to be positioned in the exact center of the leak.

[Translate to Englisch:] MitraClip mit Device geöffnet - Immanuel Herzzentrum Brandenburg in Bernau bei Berlin
© 2012 Abbott

Animation showing positioning of the MitraClip

The animation of the MitraClip procedure begins by providing a clear illustration of mitral regurgitation, i.e. a leak in the mitral valve that leads to heart failure. In contrast to what happens in a healthy valve, there is a backflow of blood from the left ventricle into the left atrium, which leads to a decrease in exercise capacity and shortness of breath.

The animation shows how the MitraClip is positioned inside the defective mitral valve using a catheter-based delivery device. The MitraClip is attached to the tip of the delivery system.

Follow-up treatment

After undergoing a MitraClip procedure, many patients will need to take blood-thinning medication, usually for around three months. No other specific medications will need to be prescribed. In fact, as symptoms improve, patients are often able to reduce the amount of medicine they were taking prior to the procedure.

Our Heart Failure Outpatient Clinic offers a special follow-up treatment program for patients who have had a MitraClip fitted. This allows us to monitor patients in terms of heart and mitral valve function, as well as allowing us to adjust medications as and when appropriate.

Follow-up visits are usually scheduled every three to six months, and include cardiac ultrasound testing, ECGs and blood tests, which are used to assess current heart function. Follow-up visits will also include an in-depth consultation with one of our cardiac specialists. We are of course always available to answer any questions that your general practitioner or local cardiology specialist may have

MitraClip in position inside the heart valve
MitraClip in position inside the heart valve

Treatment results

Having successfully performed a total of 150 procedures, we have become one of the leading specialist centers in Germany offering this new treatment approach. Nearly all of our patients were able to be treated successfully with the MitraClip procedure, without the need for any additional surgical procedures involving the heart. The close cooperation that exists between our Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Departments means that we are able to respond without delay should complications arise, and result in a patient requiring emergency cardiac surgery.

Comparison of mitral regurgitation before and after the MitraClip procedure
Comparison of mitral regurgitation before and after the MitraClip procedure

Where can I find more information about the MitraClip procedure?

General information on heart disease

Die Deutsche Herzstiftung (German Heart Foundation):


Information on cardiovascular research

Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V. (German Cardiac Society)

Specialist article

Butter C., PD (Co-Autor), Mitraclip therapy in patients with end-stage systolic heart failure, Eur J Heart failure 2011;13;569-76

to heart valve treatment